FIRE movement and backyard gardening

FIRE movement and backyard gardening

Gardening Tips
If you are into the FIRE movement and are looking for ways to save money, chances are that you have thought about growing your own food at home. In this article, we will talk about the FIRE movement and how starting your vegetable garden can get you closer to your early retirement dream. What is the FIRE movement? The term FIRE refers to Financial Independence, Retire Early, and it is a lifestyle movement with the goal of retiring early by gaining financial independence. It has particularly gained popularity among millennials in the 2010s but the term has been around for about 30 years. The origins of this acronym are unknown but many of its concepts were mentioned in the 1992 best-selling book 'Your money or your life' by Vicki Robin…
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What is plant parenting?

What is plant parenting?

Gardening Tips
Have you ever heard of the term plant parenting? What does it mean? Even though the term is not new, millennials have embraced this colloquial phrase to refer to anyone who cares for their houseplants. To be a plant parent is to nurture your plants as you would a pet or a child to help them grow healthy and thrive. What is a plant parent? A plant parent is someone who looks after their plants as they would a pet or a child. More and more people are realizing the benefits of having plants at home, they don't only look nice but they are also good for your mental health. People of different ages find gardening soothing, relaxing, and comforting. Young people are increasingly interested in growing plants indoors, specially…
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