How to regrow turnips from scraps

How to regrow turnips from scraps

Starting your home garden
Turnips are taproots like carrots and beets. The technique for regrowing them is similar to other taproots, and the outcome is the same. When you regrow them, you'll get tasty turnip tops but not another taproot. Both the turnip and its leaves and its leafy greens are tasty and nutritious. Turnips are high in fibre and low in calories, they help maintain blood sugar levels stable and prevent constipation. Turnips provide plenty of nutrients, they are an excellent source of calcium, vitamin A, vitamin K, vitamin C, folate, potassium, copper and manganese. Young and small turnips have a sweet, mild flavour. As they continue to grow, they become spicier, and their texture will become rough and woody. Steps to regrow turnip Find a good locationPrepare your turnipPlant the turnipHarvesting and…
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How to regrow Bell Peppers from scraps

How to regrow Bell Peppers from scraps

Starting your home garden
All Bell peppers, also known as Capsicums, come from the same species, Capsicum annuum, and there are many different varieties of them. These plants have been used for a variety of medicinal purposes. Peppers and chillies are staples of many diets throughout the world. They are generally green when young and then develop their bright red, yellow or orange colours when they ripen. They are an excellent source of vitamin C, stimulate circulation and boost the metabolism. Steps to regrow peppers Find a good locationPrepare your peppersPlant the peppersHarvesting and use Find a good spot for the peppers Bell pepper plants benefit from a moist and warm environment. Place the pot in a warm climate with bright, indirect light when growing the seeds. Peppers can be grown all year round…
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How to grow carrots in containers

How to grow carrots in containers

Container and Small-Space Gardening
Home-grown carrots are loaded with sweetness and they work well in pots, and you'll avoid problems you might otherwise suffer from heavy or stony soil in open ground. Eaten straight after harvest, either raw or lightly steamed, home-grown carrots retain all the sweetness that is so often missing from shop-bought ones. Carrots are a great source of vitamin A in the form of beta carotene. They are also a good source of fibre, B vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin K and potassium. Basic needs Grow in a container, tub, or pot 20cm or more deep. Use multipurpose potting compost over a base layer of grit, to give carrots the light, well-drained medium that they need to thrive. Never add any manures or high-nitrogen fertilisers before sowing. To avoid fungal diseases, do…
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How to grow cucumbers in containers

How to grow cucumbers in containers

Container and Small-Space Gardening
Fresh, crunchy cucumbers are a welcome, refreshing taste of summer. They are easy to grow, asking only for the sun and something to climb up before rewarding you with heaps of fruit and beautiful, bright flowers. When growing cucumbers in pots or in a container garden, tie shoots regularly onto cane supports. Pinch out the growing tip once the plant reaches the top of its support. A single cucumber plant in a large pot will keep you in crisp, juicy fruit all summer long. In fact, you might have trouble keeping up with these prolific plants. The flesh and skin are high in fibre, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, but low in carbohydrates and with zero fats, making them terrific for digestive health. Basic needs Make sure you choose the right…
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How to regrow beetroots from scraps

How to regrow beetroots from scraps

Starting your home garden
The beet belongs to the Betoideae family. It is a form of turnip. This classic winter vegetable owes its intense red color to glycoside betanin. They are also rich in vitamin B, iron, potassium, and folic acid. Beetroots are refreshingly simply to grow, taste delicious, and make a beautiful crop in a pot with their fresh green leaves streaked with red veins and stems. In addition to the traditional beets, white, golden, and red-and-white-striped beets are available in grocery shops. All of them can be regrown, as long as they still have their leaves or the tops of the roots intact. Beetroots are biennial taproots, and the growing tip of a beetroot is right at the top of the root. So when you regrow beets, you're growing them for the…
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How to regrow ginger from scraps

How to regrow ginger from scraps

Starting your home garden
Whether stomach pains or a cold, fresh ginger tea often helps get rid of annoying discomforts. It is a well-known medicinal plant. It is believed that humans have been using ginger for many years. A Chinese source mentioning ginger dates back to the year 2800 BC. Its origin is undetermined. Today, it grows in the tropical and subtropical regions of the world, from Southeast Asia and Africa to South America. Ginger is cultivated on a large scale in India, where it is mainly needed for national consumption. Botanically speaking, ginger is not a tuber but a rhizome. You can regrow a beautiful plant out of this rhizome. Steps to regrow ginger Find a good locationPrepare the gingerPlant the gingerHarvesting and use Find a good spot for the ginger You should…
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